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FF #026: This "Weight Loss Ad" Framework Has Made Me A Killing

Today I wanna share a specific email/post type that makes my bank account sing.

I call it the "Weight Loss Ad".

And no... it's not specifically about weight loss.

But I learned it from this industry and it's made me bookoo bucks.

I wanna share it with ya too.

Let's dig in.


The "Weight Loss Ad".

What do you see when you come across a weight loss ad?

2 things:

  1. Before pic
  2. After pic

I hopped over to Amazon just now and typed in "weight loss supplement".

Clicked on the first product I saw... went to the review images... and BAM. Found a bunch of before > after pics.

Why does one of the biggest industries in the world use and encourage these before > after pics?

One reason is proof the product works.

But there's another reason...

And that's the clear CONTRAST between the before > after.

In one millisecond you can see the difference of being 125lbs vs 150lbs.

When you have clear contrast?

It makes it EZ to say "yes" (or no) to the new thing.

You're SHOWING instead of just telling.

If you were to just write an ad that says "you will lose weight and feel healthier!"

Does it have the same punch? The same impact?


And you need that punch to get someone to say "damnnn I want dat."

Especially in a competitive market where people have seen every ad angle there is.

Now... most of the folks following me are not in this industry.

So how do we use this Weight Loss Ad style in other industries?

Let's go over a simple framework...

The Framework.


Here it is:

  • share the before
  • share the after (bonus if you have an img)
  • share what life is like now going from before > after
  • tell them what to do next if they want to go from before > after too

The next thing could be to check out a piece of content, click to a sales page, comment below, reply back, or reach out directly.

Use an image if it shows clear contrast.

A picture's worth a thousand words. A picture with contrast is worth a thousand pictures.

SHOW, don't just tell :-)

Here's an example post using the Weight Loss Ad framework that pulled in over $10,000 in sales:

Notice how I follow the framework?

I start with the before > after using a screenshot of my calendar for instant contrast.

I talk about what life is like now.

Then I tell them to message me if they wanna do the same.

This single post did over $10,000 in sales in one day.


Short but impactful issue today.

I love giving you new tools to use.

Use this framework on your posts and thank me later :-)


That's it for today's Friday Fire action section.

Hope you found it useful 🤙

P.S. - if you enjoyed this issue and want more posts like this... plus a system to enroll clients without the phone once they reach out... read this "phoneless conversion" case study training and reach out if you want help with it. We start the next crew on Tuesday.



When you're ready, here are 6 ways I can help you...

1. Build and monetize audiences in my Audience Rainmaker community here.

2. Learn my multi-million dollar formula to write emails that sell here.

3. Get paid to write simple 5th grade emails that sell here.

4. Get 7 of my best campaigns and daily email training here.

5. Get my content creation and audience-building system here.

6. Join the waitlist for the next Leveraged Offer Launch workshop here.

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