Join 14k+ Email Rainmakers

Howdy. I'm Sean.

I write, create digital products, and make YouTube videos. All around helping you create internet income through writing online.

I went from $56k in student loan debt and a soul sucking 9-5 corporate job as a Project Manager… to quitting my job in 2016 and building multiple different lean online businesses.

My track record so far:

  • [2016-2018] – Built and sold a multi 7-figure e-commerce business in the alternative fashion niche
  • [2017-2020] – Built a multi 6-figure lead generation agency and consultancy
  • [2020-Now] – Built a 7-figure info product / coaching / consulting business

This personal site is to link to all the areas online where I share my thoughts, lessons, mistakes, and wins in online entrepreneurship.

Almost everyday I send out an email to my list with useful tips around customer acquisition, copywriting, content creation, audience building, mindset, and business building.

I do my best to add stories and entertainment so I’m not “just another dude clogging up your inbox”.

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I have free content around building online service businesses, email marketing, copywriting, content creation, and customer acquisition on my social media channels:


What else do I enjoy outside of business?

  • Surfing when I’m back home in Hawaii
  • Snowboarding when I’m in Seattle
  • Golfing when the sun is out
  • Traveling with my wife Jackie
  • Playing with my pup Whiskey
  • Watching people get beat up in the UFC
  • Training in BJJ and boxing

If you want to connect with me on social, the best current places are LinkedIn and Instagram where I'm active daily.  There’s also my YouTube channel with over 200 videos.

That about wraps it up.

Your compadre,

Sean Anthony

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