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FF #004: Million Dollar Offer Suite

No time for chit-chat.

I've got a 5-hour tattoo sesh coming up here in an hour so I'm gonna get righttt into the meat.

Spent a ton of time this week building out assets to launch my paid ad campaigns to speed up the growth of my offer suite.

Got a basic 4-step funnel consisting of opt-in > VSL > application > chat close.

I'll be pushing YT and FB ads to the opt-in page then letting the funnel do its work.

But it got me thinking...

I have a ton of new folks on my list.

And not everyone knows about the offer suite itself.

What it looks like, the different parts, and the order in which to build each part.

So let's jam on that today...

My Million Dollar Offer Suite

There are 3 ways I work with clients.

Sometimes I refer to it as my Offer Buffet.

Today we'll refer to it as my Million Dollar Offer Suite.

Here it is in all its glory... built in the order it's listed.


1.) Done-For-You (DFY).

This is my service at

I work with $1M/yr+ businesses to better monetize their assets. Like their audience, email list, and customer list.

I do all the market research, copywriting, campaigns, and client enrollment FOR them and get paid on results.

It’s 100% performance-based and has the highest earning potential on a per client basis.

My cut is 25-30% of the revenue we bring in.

And it's not unusual to add an extra $300k-$1M/yr to their sales.


2.) Done-With-You (DWY).

This is when I work with clients in a group environment and help with implementation.

There’s a course, community, and coaching for all of my DWY offers.

There’s a start and end date where we work together to achieve a certain result in that timeframe.

And I provide coaching and support to help clients do it.

Examples are my Email Side Hustle program, Leveraged Offer Launch workshop, and Rainmaker Inner Circle (reply back if you want deets).

I don’t do all the work FOR you.

But it’s not unusual for me to get my hands dirty and do the work WITH you… not including all the IP I give you to short cut your journey.

My various DWY offers currently range from $2k-$18k.

3.) Do-It-Yourself (DIY).

These are little clones of my brain packaged into self-paced products.

You have lifetime access. And you can start/stop at any time.

Meaning you can buy and hit the ground running immediately.

Or you can go slower and move as time permits.

Totally up to you.

The difference here is… as the name hints at… there’s no community or coaching from me.

You are doing it yourself.

So you won’t have anyone holding you accountable to implement.

Examples are my Superfast Sales Email Challenge, Cash Windfall Campaigns (which may be going away soon), and Get Paid Everyday Appetizer.

These DIY products are perfect for folks who want to get their feet wet but aren’t quite ready for DFY or DWY.

My various DIY offers currently range from $49-$499.


I can manage this suite with myself and 3 other virtual assistants.

When I work with clients I’m often helping them build or grow one of these areas.

Or for the really ambitious, all of these areas.

Use this as a map to build out your own Million Dollar Offer Suite.

Btw I have a free course on this called the "$1k/Day Offer Buffet".

You can grab it here.

That's gonna wrap up today's action section.

Hope that helps 🤙


When you're ready, here are 5 ways I can help you...

1. Build and monetize audiences in my Audience Rainmaker community here.

2. Learn my multi-million dollar formula to write emails that sell here.

3. Launch a tiny digital product to Get Paid Everyday here.

4. Get paid to write simple 5th grade emails that sell here.

5. Join the waitlist for the next Leveraged Offer Launch workshop here.



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